The 7 Best Productivity Apps to Help You Get More Done

The 7 Best Productivity Apps to Help You Get More Done

If productivity seems like an elusive skill, technology is here to save the day. With more people working from home than ever, and our routines all out of whack, it’s about time you found an app that can help you adjust, stay on track, and get more done. These seven fit the bill pretty nicely.

#1 Todoist

This simple app helps you organize your daily to-do list and mark things off with great pride. Use it to manage all your little tasks, sorting them accordingly and setting reminders and due dates as needed. You can also track your progress and even add others to collaborate on lists with you. Location-based reminders are an extra perk!

#2 Evernote

The godfather of note-taking apps is an obvious addition to this list, allowing you to organize and plan your day from one application. Meanwhile, you can write notes or capture them using sketches, photos, audio recordings, and more. These files are then instantly searchable, and you can sync notes across devices so you’re never without a plan.

#3 Forest

Get distracted easily? Forest helps you put your phone down so you can stay focused. Just plant a virtual seed when you are about to start working and the app will set a timer. If you stay on task until the timer goes off, the tree will grow, but if you leave the app, the tree will die. The more you stay on task, the more trees you grow — and since Forest has partnered with Trees of the Future, your productivity has a greater benefit for the environment.

#4 Be Focused

If you like to take regular breaks when you work, this app may be the best solution for you to manage your time without breaks getting too far out of hand. With the Pomodoro Technique, you’ll be breaking your work up into 25-minute sessions with 5-minute breaks in between. The app also helps you manage tasks and track progress.

#5 Freedom

Kill online distractions with Freedom, which allows you to block time-wasting and distracting websites for a specific period of time. You can even add a custom list to block or block your phone’s internet access completely so you aren’t getting off task constantly.

#6 Trello

Need to manage your workflow? Trello is the best app for that, allowing you to work alone or with a team on your Trello Board. The simple layout lets you put tasks into cards and boards, assigning each to a group or team member and then setting a due date. Managing teamwork has never been easier!

#7 Toggl

This time tracking app is the last one you’ll ever need. Particularly great for freelancers, Toggl helps you effortlessly track just how much time you’re spending on various tasks. This is critical because knowing how you spend your time is the first step to reclaiming it and getting more done. It also helps you better judge how much time you need for different productive tasks, allowing you to plan your day more effectively.